Journey to the Sea

an online magazine devoted to the study of myth

Issue 9

Mythos & Logos: Two Ways of Explaining the World

We humans beings have used both mythical thinking and logical thinking to explain the world around us. Distinguishing between these can help us understand mythic narratives, both ancient and modern.

Biblical Narratives in Doris Lessing’s Shikasta  »

Randy examines Doris Lessing’s use of material from Genesis in her science-fiction novel Shikasta, arguing that Lessing is a strong advocate for the potential for the products of mythical thinking to address problems in the modern world.

Life of Aesop: The Wise Fool and the Philosopher  »

Laura explores three anecdotes from the legendary Life of Aesop, showing Aesop outwitting his rivals. Aesop used logical thinking and mythical thinking to provide comic relief and surprising insight into the nature of the world.